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Mechanics' Institutes Worldwide 2021




Prof Richard Williams | Principal, Heriot-Watt University




Blair, Kirstie et al. | University of Strathclyde et al.

Mechanics’ Institutes, Literary Culture, and the Victorian Industrial Worker


Bourke, Joanna | Birkbeck, University of London

The London Mechanics' Institution: Radical Origins and Useful Knowledges


Call, Liz | Rochester Institute of Technology

Stewarding RIT’s Historical Record: Reconstructing the Extraordinary Lives of Ordinary People


Coates, Ellen and James Baker | Prahran Mechanics’ Institute Victorian History Library and

Melbourne Athenaeum Incorporated

Ama-Zine Mechanics’ : old history, new engagement


Cunningham, John | National University of Ireland Galway

The Galway Mechanics Institute


Gardner, John | Anglia Ruskin University



Hancock, Joelie | Flinders Univ, South Australia

Mechanics Institutes in South Australia: launching institutessa.com


Houston, Stephen | Heriot-Watt University

A Mechanics’ Institute's students of today – excellence in engineering


Lonsdale, Tom | Marsden Community Trust

Marsden Mechanics


Lowden, Jim | Victoria

Henry Brougham and his Practical Observations Upon the Education of People


Matfin, Jonny | Birkbeck, University of London

In pursuit of 'Useless Knowledge': Classics at Birkbeck, University of London, 1963-2003


Milne, John | Consultant, Denver Colorado

Entropy-based Resource Management: An organizing principle for the development of sustainability strategies.


McCausland, Mike Friends of Launceston Mech Inst

Adapting MI principles in an enterprising colonial outpost


O’Donohue, Ciarán | Birkbeck, University of London

From Treading the Boards to Mortarboards: Women and the Birkbeck Theatre, 1830 to 1921


O’Farrell, Patrick | Heriot-Watt University

Foundation of the World’s First Mechanics’ Institute: Edinburgh School of Arts


Roaf, Susan and Anne Ormston |Heriot-Watt University

19th Century spread of Mechanics Institutes across Scotland


Scanlon, Lesley | Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts

The Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts: The Early Years (1833-1850)


Schlombs, Corinna | Rochester Institute of Technology

Giving women a practical education: Domestic Science at Rochester Institute of Technology



Mechanics’ Institutes Worldwide 2021 - Edinburgh was hosted by Heriot-Watt University on 15 October 2021.  Listen to the speaker presentations online here.




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